Friday, December 15, 2006


Finally a stock site that has the pure intention of art dare I say executed by professionals. How novel.

At a time when technology has become so available to so many who all consider themselves professional photographers, we finally have a site that draws the line in the sand.

Photography is an elusive seductress who may call many but chooses so few. Those she chooses are the ones whom she has asked to document our history and culture at this time. She demands of them their integrity, their skill, their art, their interpretation, their vision as well as all their technical expertise both analogue and digital so that the creative palate can be exponential on which to draw from.

She calls upon those that have dedicated an allegiance and a life to her to know that it is truly a journey in search of capturing what is true to the artist. There is no point of arrival and there is no room for ego. There is only a calling and a conviction. Most importantly it is about the intention which they bring on that journey and how soulful they dare themselves to be during that quest.

Accolades to Ron for navigating through the mediocrity and enrolling the award winning roster of worldwide photographers whose work appears in the most respected visual journals in the world and allowing them a forum where they can just be and express in their most authentic and artistic way their intentions on life at this time, in this moment.

Djanka Gajdel
Photographic Representative

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